I am an associate professor in the School of Atmospheric Sciences at the Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China.
I study the distribution of trace gases and seek to understand the interaction/exchange between the stratosphere, troposphere, and ocean. I have been working on diagnosing the stratospheric signal at the surface using trace gases. I look into observations (including satellite and in situ) and model them in simple and complex models to understand the dynamics and interaction with chemistry. I am also interested in the climate impacts of large volcanic eruptions because they have great implications for solar radiation management through stratospheric aerosol injection.
I teach an undergraduate course, Stratospheric Processes and Their Climate Impacts, and an undergraduate course, Statistics in Meteorology.
I supervise 8 3-yr MS students, including Yangjie Jiang (3rd year), Zjie Tian (3rd year), Wenhui Zhang (2nd year), Guiping Zhang (2nd year), Liting Jia (2nd year), Haoran Zhou (1st year), Jie Jin (1st year), and Ruihan Gao (1st year).